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Fat & Happy

It hasn't quite been a "Quarantine Fifteen," but I'd be lying if I tried to say my britches didn't feel a little tight. But that's okay. I don't care. Life is falling more and more into place. Finally. Annnnnnd I've got tomatoes and lavender growing! I must be doing something right! I'd been laid off… Continue reading Fat & Happy

Career · Dog · Lifestyle · Uncategorized

New Normals

Our province is about the size of Texas with barely one million people in it. We've only had some small (by comparison to most other places) outbreaks. The small city we live in has been relatively unscathed. Until possibly now. The local nurses union is calling for an outbreak to be declared at one of… Continue reading New Normals

Family · Lifestyle · Marriage · Parenting · Uncategorized

Birthdays & Updates

What an exhausting few week/weekend. Since it's the birth-momster's year to spend Easter with the kids, they left early. But, after exhausting arguments from my husband, he didn't have to use an extra parenting day when she wanted them to come here a day early. As usual, we had a wonderful time together, though not… Continue reading Birthdays & Updates