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The Comfort of Snow

Growing up, snow made me uneasy. The great snow of 1989 in North Carolina was particularly unsettling. I was incredibly young. My dad made me a slushy from the snow and a Coca-Cola. In the evening, he and my mother got into a nasty fight. My life changed for the worse during that snow storm.… Continue reading The Comfort of Snow

Family · Lifestyle · Uncategorized


A week ago, the woman who brought me into this world died. We'd be estranged for nearly 8 years. People came out of the woodworks to find me. I didn't know how to feel aside from bitter and enraged. My feelings errupted at the end of last week. I was briefly consumed by the feelings… Continue reading Relief

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Happy Canadaversary

Exactly one year ago, my dog and I came to Canada. Mold in my home displaced me, so I ended up moving to be with my husband before we anticipated. How have I been the past year? Well let's see. I married my best friend, became a stepmother, and now have an awesome family. I… Continue reading Happy Canadaversary